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Dear Freedom Trail Elementary School families,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year!
As your principal, it is my sincere honor to work with you, our skilled and devoted staff, and beloved community to create an excellent educational experience for our student community.
My vision for Freedom Trail Elementary is simple and remains unchanged from year to year: Do what is best for students. At Freedom Trail, we are committed to ensuring that all children receive excellent support to learn and grow and it is our desire to see them reach toward their unique potential!
Education is such a collaborative venture. Students are best served when we all give our best efforts! We greatly appreciate the support you provide to your children at home and of our staff to help them learn and meet their goals. We also have a fantastic PTO that works very hard to help support our staff and children and helps to make FTE such a great place!
I am excited for this upcoming school year and look forward to the year ahead!
Emily Dellinger
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much" -Helen Keller