Title I

Director of Federal Programs
Mrs. Megan Pollard
828-733-6006 ext. 1511
Administrative Assistant
Ms. Amanda Guy
828-733-6006 ext. 1501
Title I Schools
Banner Elk Elementary School
Crossnore Elementary School
Freedom Trail Elementary School
Newland Elementary School
Riverside Elementary School
Avery Middle School
Cranberry Middle School
What is Title I?
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA) provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet state academic standards.
Funds are provided to schools based on the number of students qualifying for free/reduced price lunch.
Supplement, Not Supplant (SEC. 1118(b)(1)-(4))
Avery County Schools uses Title I funds to supplement existing core instruction for students within our district. The LEA complies to state allocations of teachers and reviews and monitors comparability data to ensure equitable distribution of teachers per school. For the purposes of staffing and non-staffing resources (Professional Development, Supplies, and Materials, Staff Development, Travel, etc.)
In Title I schools teachers, administrators, other school staff, and parents work to:
identify students most in need of educational help;
set goals for improvement;
measure student progress;
develop programs that add to regular classroom instruction: and
involve parents in all aspects of the program
Title I schools usually offer:
smaller classes;
additional teachers and teacher assistants;
additional training for school staff;
extra time for instruction;
a variety of teaching methods and materials; and