Our Digital Learning Environment
Every student in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade has access to an Apple iPad for in class and take home use. Students from 9th grade through 12th grade are provided with an 13" Apple MacBook Air for in class and take home use. Student device usage is carefully monitored and Internet usage is filtered to prevent students from accessing inappropriate content.
Required Use Policy (RUP)
Parents must complete an orientation video and digitally sign the RUP (Required use Policy) before any school issued device can be taken home. Those resources can be found on the DEVICE ORIENTATION page.
Internet Safety
The resources in this section give community, parents and children information that addresses safety and privacy concerns while using the Internet and other forms of electronic communication.
Digital Citizenship
In a global, digital society, we believe it is important to strive to use technology responsibly, to be positive digital contributors, to communicate respectfully with one another and the world, to uphold the law, and to use safe practices to ensure individual and collective security. It is the vision of Avery County Schools to support students, families, and all district staff in developing a comprehensive set of digital citizenship skills and attributes, enabling each to be a responsible, productive, and beneficial user of digital technologies and media. We aim to achieve this vision by providing a quality digital citizenship education across all grades and to all stakeholders.